Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Advantages, Hangups, and Possibilities

I have started new blogs many times, usually to see if it would work for some administrative need or to have an online portfolio available while applying for new jobs.
I can see myself blogging when I can make it incredibly fast and easy as posting an image and a caption to facebook from my phone. I want to use a blog as my own record of what I've taught, resources I've used, and for parents to see what the process was for artistic creation, instead of just seeing the product that makes it home (probably in crumpled form).
I synthesize most of my art teaching ideas from other art teacher's blogs, usually found through Pinterest. I'd like to have a blog that might help other art teachers build their own lessons or solve problems that we encounter in the classroom.
One hangup is that I always put blogging at the very bottom of my to do list. I've (luckily) taken a lot of photos of things I'd like to blog about, and then wait until summer to create posts about the projects we've done. I have trouble deciding what "voice" to use in my blog and need to get better at writing quickly
This blog can be a place where I can store student work examples and the online resources I use, so I can return to it time after time. I would like to have students post their own experience of an art project, if possible.

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